Mountain Marine
Anchor Service
Your anchor is extremely important in keeping your boating investment safe and protected at all times. The best place for your boat when it can’t be on your trailer is on a Buoy system with a secure anchor. Mountain Marine provides the right anchors for any vessel on the Shuswap. Furthermore, we offer services to keep your anchor system operating at peak efficiency at all times to ensure mishaps and chain failure that could damage your, or someone else’s, property. Contact us today for a fast quote to ensure you are anchored properly.
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We’ll Keep You Anchored

Anchor Failure is Not an Option
Did you know that you lose 40% of your anchor’s weight to water buoyancy?
Make sure your anchor is enough.
Non-Compliant Anchors

Where is the best anchor placement?
When you are placing an anchor in the Shuswap it is best to have it on level ground. Preferably over the ‘drop off’ in your area. Depending on your location, if you have it closer in when the water level drops you may have too shallow of water to safely moore your boat and will require it to be moved out again. If you are unsure of your drop off give us a call and we can view your area on the mapping system at high and low water, knowing the best place for your anchor system.
Another thing to consider is how your dock moves. If you have a dock on a cable system, as the water level drops, you will need your dock to go out further into the lake. Having a buoy placed in the wrong location will have your boat hitting your dock in low water.
Remember that Shuswap water levels rise and drop 10-15’ from spring to fall.
How much anchor weight do I need?
We use a standard 2400lb anchor for all our clients. This is a secure method that has worked well in various locations in the Shuswap and surrounding lakes. When choosing the right anchor keep in mind that you lose 40% of your concrete anchors weight to water buoyancy. Do Not settle for good enough, or any type of light anchor. This is what keeps your investment in its place and an under weighted anchor system will cause your buoy system to move with the weight of your boat in wake or in a storm causing damage to your, or someone else’s, property.
Can I connect to my existing anchor?
You can connect to your existing anchor IF your connection point is not compromised. We often see anchors with a chain or rebar connection that has corroded away with no other way to safely attach to it. Or perhaps your system is under weight. We see light anchors like small blocks chained together or buckets/barrels of concrete that just are simply not enough to hold your boat in its place.
Do I need a diver?
No, you do not need a diver to connect a new chain to your old anchor, our equipment allows us to retrieve your old anchor and connect a new chain to it. If you have lost your connection to your anchor.
What are the general costs?
We offer full anchor installation starting at package pricing with the option to add additional anchors for larger vessels like houseboats. We also offer anchor retrieval and new chain connection at an hourly service rate. It is often the same cost to install a new, secure anchor with a lifeline connection point, as having a diver come to connect to your old anchor.
How do I know what I have?
If you or the previous homeowner, do not know what was installed or do not have a record of it, this is a perfect opportunity to have us perform an inspection on your system to ensure it has the right amount of weight to hold your dock, boat or swim platform in its place. Call us to book your inspection at 250-253-8250.
Non-Compliant Anchors

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